Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Fun Is Only A Week Away!

The weather has been chilly for a couple of weeks now and that has me  thinking about falling leaves, camp fires, S'mores, and hot chocolate. It also makes me think of all the fun events that are coming up! This is just a quick October list so you can mark the dates. There is more information under the volunteer tab (as well as how to volunteer), the Calendar tab,  and the PTA Newsletter should be coming out this week with even more details!

Garden Work Day: Saturday, September 28th from 10-12

School Picture Day: Wednesday, October 2nd

Breakfast with a Buddy: Friday, October 4th from 7:30-8:30

Halloween Costume Exchange: October 14th-18th

Fall Dance: Wednesday, October 23rd from 6pm-8pm

No School: Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25tth

Mud Run: Saturday, October 26th from 9am-12pm

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome Back Sandbugers!

We have officially completed the first week of school and I find that I am both exhilarated and exhausted. It's great to see my children looking forward to seeing friends, sharing stories about what so-and-so did on the playground, and learning. On the other hand, I'm not used to rousing myself so early so we can beat the first bell. And the heat these last few days? Wow!

I am sure it is the heat that kept some families away from the Welcome Night and drove many that made it through the meal into the cooler climate of their homes quickly thereafter. Want to know what information was shared? Read on!

Mr. Wilfrid spoke last night about how there are 3 groups responsible for a child's education: The school, the student, and the parents. The school has a bulk of this responsibility as the one in charge of actually teaching academic materials. The students have the responsibility of being present (focused and ready to learn) and behaving in an appropriate manner (not disruptive, respectful). Parents have a responsibility to prepare their child for school (dressed and fed) and to work with them to the best of their ability (homework). No one group can be successful without the other. If we all do our part, then every student will be successful.

He also spoke about 7 positive character traits. These traits are better predictors of how well your child  will do in life than academic grades in reading, writing, math, social studies, etc. The traits are: optimism, zest, curiosity, social intelligence, grit, self control, and gratitude. Students who have these traits are happier in life, have more positive relationships, are healthier, and make more money. Because of the importance of these traits in the success of all students, a focus will be placed on helping students develop them. This will now be included on the report card.

Mr. Wilfrid also briefly discussed the use of ipads in the classroom. He reassured families that the use of ipads was strictly for bolstering learning an that use as a video game machine was not permissible. He shared information about how Sandburg has become "famous" for its ability to  integrate technology into the classroom.

He touched on the grants Sandburg has received to support technology integration, to understand and implement the Common Core Standards (this puts us a year ahead of other schools in the district), and to provide academic tutoring, enrichment, and character development both before and after school through a program called Community Learning Centers (CLC).

At the end of the speech, Mr. Wilfrid introduced Dan Choy from McKinstry and briefly explained how McKinstry has adopted Sandburg. Mr. Choy then spoke a little about how McKinstry has partnered with the district to work on energy savings and some of the projects they are doing at West High School. He then spoke about how McKinstry staff will be involved at Sandburg. This will mean some tutoring during the CLC hours, events, and assisting with special projects. Mr. Wilfrid, of course, suggested an addition to ease the over crowding Sandburg students are experiencing.

After that, the PTA was invited to speak for a few minutes. I introduced myself and explained that the PTA is working on 3 things: Building Community; Increasing Diversity in leadership and decision making roles; and Parent Involvement. These three ideals act as our guiding principals as we make decisions throughout the year.

Building Community will happen largely through our events as we plan them to include social interaction and opportunities for people to connect. We also have a committee that will provide support to families as the need arises. Yolanda Cruz briefly introduced herself and talked about a group for Spanish speaking families that will work alongside of the PTA. Information about getting involved was shared. Options included events, committees, attending meetings, and tutoring. Finally, I talked about the importance of fundraising and how families can participate by helping with our collections program, supporting the REAP program, and thinking creatively on how we might raise money without sales.

And that wrapped up the night!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Starting the School Year Right

I was telling a friend this afternoon that this summer has flown by. I've fulfilled promises I've made to my children for summer adventure and fun, but still have a few left on the To Do list. I'm just not sure where to squeeze them in at this point! It seems like school will be starting all too soon and our easy laid back days will rapidly be filled with school friends, assignments, and a new kind of chaos.

That made me realize that I really needed to update my calendar and get all those dates that have been floating around in my head written down lest I forget an important date. So, for your convenience, I am putting them all in one place so you can find them at a glance:

Tuesday, August 6th- The on-line portion of the enrollment process opened. This is a great way to make the in-person part of enrollment go swiftly!

Wednesday, August 21st- New Student Enrollment (the in-person portion) at Sandburg runs from 8am-12pm.

Friday, August 23rd- Returning Student Enrollment (the in-person portion) at Sandburg runs from 11am-6pm.

Friday, August 30th- School Supply Drop Off day from 1-6pm. Teachers are available for a meet and greet in their classrooms from 1-3:30pm. After this time slot, supplies can be dropped off in the gym.

Friday, August 30th- Sandburg Play Date. This is an opportunity for students (with a supervising adult) to reconnect with last year's friends and meet new classmates! We'll meet on the big playground and PTA representatives will be available from 2:30- 5:30pm.

Tuesday, September 10th- Welcome to Sandburg Night! This is an event you won't want to miss! This is a social (food included) event where you can learn more about the school's awesome initiatives, school policy changes, meet your PTA members, and visit your child's classroom once again! Plus who knows what other surprises there may be??? Time TBD.

Friday, October 4th or 11th- Do you want to meet your child's new best friend and meet other parents? Has your schedule kept you from making it to the school? Breakfast with a Buddy is a great opportunity to do all of these things. It is also a wonderful chance for your child to bring in someone else that is important in his/ her life and show them around the school after a delicious breakfast. Time and exact date TBD.

Wednesday, October 23rd- The fabled Fall Dance! Much more information to come on this event, but we are already looking forward to seeing everyone there! Plus, its a great opportunity for parents to get involved! (PTA sponsored.)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Looking Ahead to Next Year

Today is the last day of school for the kids! My children woke up excited and ready to go. For them, this is a day filled with joy, excitement and wide-eyed wonder at all the adventures they will have over the summer. And they will have many adventures and new stories to tell when they return in the fall!

 In many regards, I feel the same way! As the PTA functions, events, and other responsibilities wind down for the summer, I find myself joyful, excited and wide-eyed in wonder at what next year will bring. I know there will be new challenges and plenty of learning experiences as well as successes. Fall and the new school year will be here before I know it!

For the past few weeks (and continuing for the next couple of weeks), I have been meeting with the new officers for the 2013-2014 school year, attending meetings of various PTO/A groups (east side or district wide meetings), and have been talking with some women who work with school communities and PTO/A groups in empowering parents and building strong communities. I have also been corresponding with the PTA local, state, and national offices. I have learned a lot about the functions and capabilities of parent groups. Together, parents, teachers, and communities can do some pretty amazing things!

All of this has culminated into a plan. Right now, we are sketching the big picture. Over time, we will look at filling it in. I want to take a moment to share with you what the picture looks like and how you can help start filling in the picture with details and color.

1. We are looking into ending our relationship with the Parent Teacher Association, the national organization of parent groups, and converting into a parent group that functions on a more local level. We believe that we can access most of the same benefits with greater ease while getting rid of a lot of the red tape and costs associated with being a ember. It is a complicated process and even the national PTA suggests getting a lawyer involved.

People with a background in legal processes are strongly encouraged to step forward!

2. Fundraising to support school-based events, teacher grants, field trips, and the myriad of other ways the PTA is able to financially support the school community IS important and a necessary role of any parent group. However, we are going to move away from the typical sales types of fundraising as they are a lot of work and do not yield a great profit. Instead, we are exploring ways to bring in community members to support the school. This includes things like looking for corporate sponsors to match funds, hosting a community event like a pancake breakfast or concert, applying for grants that will support our efforts, and using the 'donate-to-my-cause' websites to fund special projects.

People who understand the fundraising process are strongly encouraged to step forward!

3. The biggest and most important change is how we will structure and focus all of our efforts. This year, and probably for a few after it, all of our decision making will be guided by our mission of Community Building and Diversifying the PTA. Expect to see changes! In addition, we feel that refocusing our efforts allows us to better support the school in their goals of supporting children and families outside of the classroom.

People not afraid of or are looking for change are strongly encouraged to step forward!

4. In line with our mission, we are hoping to create some committees because we certainly cannot do it by ourselves! We need other parents and teachers to be involved to make this work! Teachers will now have an opportunity to meet with the PTA to share their insight, successes, concerns and needs with us through conversations at a convenient time and place for them. We are looking for parents and teachers to help us form a Compassion Committee (reaching out to families who have experienced a tragedy), Latino Council (to provide a united voice in events and school matters), and  a Diversity Group (to provide a united voice for other minority to groups). These represent on-going committees and do not include short term projects like parking and advocacy although those are certainly needs!

Anyone interested in learning more about any of our efforts or the various roles we play in the school or to express an interest in stepping forward should leave a comment below, e-mail any of the new officers (Heather Banschbach, Carrie Welch, Stephanie Taylor, and Sheila Blackey-Rothman) or send an e-mail to We would love to hear from you!

We need you for the best interest of every child and family in the Sandburg school community!


Next Year's PTA Officers

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

From the Nurse's Office

At times our students have planned educational activities in or near the Sandburg Woods.  As you know, there are wood ticks in the Sandburg Woods; however, there has been some identified deer ticks as well.  To date their has been NO Lyme's Disease detected from these deer ticks.  For prevention purposes, we ask that you perform a tick check on your child within 24 hours of them noting being in the woods.  Ticks typically can be found on the scalp, under the arm pits, in the groin, and behind the knees.  If a tick is found, you can remove it by grasping the tick with a tweezers near the head as close to the skin as possible.  Pull backward steadily. Do NOT twist or abruptly pull, squeeze, or crush the tick.  Check the site to make certain the entire tick has come loose. Call your primary care provider if parts are retained. After the tick is removed, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

Friday, April 19, 2013

It's Been A While

It's been a while, I know. I've been waiting for the perfect information. Something light, yet informative. It hasn't arrived yet so I decided to go with this instead.

To read an unbiased report of the meeting (at least a majority of the meeting) go to  Other issues brought up included overcrowding (no response), dual language immersion programs (she's highly supportive), aging facilities (has seen the need), school communication (per individual child, as a school, and as a district), and I am sure I am missing one or two things.